What I did Nothig! I don’t have any time at the moment… How did the apps performed I had better months, but without any work on my side I can’t complain. And here are the numbers: 2013 Month Tetricorn Moon Racer Fart Revolver Orcs Inva- sion Spin The Bottle Star Flight Fart Saber 3D Tunnel
I don’t have time (and didn’t do anything in July), so I will just publish the numbers: 2013 Month Tetricorn Moon Racer Fart Revolver Orcs Inva- sion Spin The Bottle Star Flight Fart Saber 3D Tunnel 3D Gyro- scope 3D Zombie Ants Sells Total January $20.76 $49.24 $89.01 $13.19 $2.45 $44.51 $5.16 – – –
A little bit late, but here are the income stats for June: 2013 Month Tetricorn Moon Racer Fart Revolver Orcs Inva- sion Spin The Bottle Star Flight Fart Saber 3D Tunnel 3D Gyro- scope 3D Zombie Ants Sells Total January $20.76 $49.24 $89.01 $13.19 $2.45 $44.51 $5.16 – – – $78.48 $297.64 February $14.00 $32.26
What I did I released my first 3D game – 3D Zombie Ant Smasher Ball. For this game I decided to use RevMob as monetization platform. I use the full screen ads, from this ads the user can download a game. In contrast to the other ads supplier RevMob pays only for actual downloads. The
What I did I released my new 3D live wallpaper – 3D Gyroscope Simulation LWP. For this live wallpaper I needed a model, so I decided to learn Blender first. I must say, I am very impressed with this software! There are lots of tutorials (and lots of video tutorials) out there and in no
What I did I released an update of Orcs Invasion. This was a major updated that resulted in lots of download on the play store. Furthermore i added trough AdMob mediation a new ads supplier – “Millennial Media”. The numbers are looking good so far, so I will expand it on my other apps also.
What I did I released one new entertainment app – Fart Saber of Light Force. Interestingly this app was categorized as “junk” on the slideme market and rejected! How did the apps performed This was the worst month I ever had. The income dropped dramatically, mostly because of the new “double click” policy on AdMob.
What I did Nothing at all! I used all of my free time to work on my new project… How did the apps performed Better than expected. AdMob revenue went down, but the leadbolt revenue went up so at the end this was the best month until now. Here are the numbers: Month Game AdMob
September is over and I finally found the time to write the income report. I decided to make it more structured this time. What I did The only thing I did this month was adding notification ads. I decided to use leadbolt, because it is easy to implement and they have excellent support. How did
On 15. September 2012 I received in my PayPal account my first AdMob payment. This is the payment for June for $147,55. My PayPal account is in € so actually I received €109,41. PayPal shows that there are no other fees, I suppose that either AdMob payed them or they have some sort of arrangement. Either way